… I work with councils, publications and businesses towards a variety of outcomes, with attention to community and a handmade touch. Collabs with writers and musicians usually happen using our free time.
click through to further explore any project.
19th Nervous Breakdown
stickers for a Forest Lodge record store! 2022.
x Radio Skid Row
A 2022 fundraiser for a media cornerstone
x Beatdisc Records
a poster campaign for Record Store Day, 2022
an interactive oral histories project, 2020
a short residency in Nijmegen, NL, 2019
if we all spat at once…(a comics anthology about class)
a cartoon about automation, 2016
x verge gallery
SCASS Prize winner (postgraduate), 2015
x Kinga Csilla
a hand-marbled fabric design for a new corset, skirt and dress, 2021
x Read to Me + Vanessa Berry
a comic written by Vanessa Berry for performance at Read to Me and print in Immediately Before The End of Everything anthology , 2021
x signal creative
an online tutorial for teens, 2020
x Idle Beats, Shanghai
a screenprinting series completed in 2014
x local bands and musicians
a selection of music merch designs for bands and record stores, 2014-2020.
x The Nib + Science For The People
an online comic written by Max Easton, 2021
x The Guardian + Rose Draper + Tom Murray
a short Australian history documentary, 2018
a comic written by Alex Gallagher, presented live in 2019
x Spineless Wonders + Inner West Council
a public posters project, 2019
designed by Greg Sindel at Studio A
print hand-production of art by Greg Sindel
Assisting Carizza Teague of Carizzadesigns, 2015